Each of us have a longing for a life of significance and meaning. The Gospel is the fulfillment of that desire in a way that is eternal and abundant. We strive for significance and meaning through our work, our achievements and by what others say about us but, if we are honest, all that striving leaves us burdened and unsure.
The Gospel declares that a life of significance and eternal quality is available, not because of anything we do or achieve but by discovering to whom we belong. Life begins by receiving our true value and identity as God’s beloved. From the place of belovedness, a life bursting with peace, joy, hope and meaning is available.
In the greatest act of love the world has ever seen, God dwelt with us to demonstrate who God is and what humanity could become. In his life, teaching, death and resurrection, Jesus invites us to follow him and learn to live moment by moment aware of our belovedness. The Gospel is not only about heaven, it is about experiencing a heavenly life now through learning to trust and believe Jesus.
The grace of God enables us to live an abundant life that penetrates our very soul and brings us to a place of rest.