Week 10: Healthy Unattachment
Jake Kline   -  

Exodus 20:15

Mark 11:15-17

  • Klepto: secretive or subtle

“Think with me for a moment about some of the crafty acts that we tolerate in our day. What does Jesus call such acts? What about using phones and social media excessively during work time? Is that not stealing? What about employees, who have contracted to do so many hours of work for so much pay, that are leaving early, extending breaks, or allowing personal tasks to invade times that they work from home?”

“Is that not stealing? What about illegal streaming, downloading, and all the other opportunities the internet has appointed us? Are those not robbing the creators of their fair pay? Such crafty ways to get something for nothing! What about plagiarism, using another persons work without acknowledging it?”

“That You May Live” Pg. 163

  • Human Condition
  • Entitlement
  • Greed

Matthew 6:21

  • Control
  • Human Condition > Jesus’ Invitation
  • Entitlement > Generosity

Proverbs 11:24-25

  • Greed > Contentment

Philippians 4:12-13

  • Control > Trust

Proverbs 3:5-6