What if the Kingdom of the Heaven isn't a then and there - where we go when we die? What if the Kingdom of Heaven is here and now - brought to earth through the Children of God? At Crossroads, we believe that Jesus came to earth, not only to prepare the way to heaven, but to bring heaven to earth wherever he walked. As Apprentices to Jesus, we're learning to routinely do what Jesus would do if he were living our life.
Apprenticeship to Jesus is the process of aligning ourselves under the Lordship of Jesus. We believe that the purpose of Jesus' life and teaching was not to impart information, but rather to make signifiant change in the lives of those who have ears to hear. Our job is to cooperate with the Spirit's work. As apprentices, we engage in various practices to create space fo God to transform us into the character of Christ.
We believe that Salvation is through the grace of Jesus, but confessing truth about Jesus is not enough to experience the Jesus life that we have made to live. This is why we focus on Apprenticeship and offer Covenant Partnership - a relationship based approach to accountability and growth.
Here are some of the things an Apprentice to Jesus may choose to focus on for a period of time.
Learning to Live by Faith
As we learn to live by faith, we're learning to trust and believe that the ways of Jesus lead to eternal life.
Learning to Transmit Hope
As we learn to transmit hope, we're learning to proclaim and demonstrate the reality and goodness of God's Kingdom to our community and to the world.
Learning to Be Known by Love
The relational element of learning to be known by love gives us a support system and humbles us, allowing us to selflessly serve others.